Dental implantation requires excellent specialist knowledge and many years of experience. After the requisite examination and detailed case documentation, Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. HolgerDietrich, specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery, was certified in the specialist area of implantology in 1999 by the German Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Recertification is required every five years and is dependent on certain conditions which are to be found in the menu option implantology.
A dental implant is the term used in dentistry for an artificial root. It is inserted by surgical procedure into an toothless part of the jaw. The implant abutment is used as the fixing for a dental prosthesis (crown, bridge or denture).
Today dental implants are regarded as fundamental to modern dentistry. Types of implants used today, were developed as the result of decades of research. The underlying motivation for this work was based on the dental surgeons' wish to provide patients who have lost teeth with the most appropriate tooth replacement.
Compared to conventional tooth replacement there are special advantages to implant provision. In our practice in Emden we are always able to find individual solutions to your dental problems due to the extensive range of different types of implant.
In our opinion an essential advantage of implant supported provision is that with this therapy no healthy teeth have to be filed down, whereby unnecessary loss of healthy tooth substance can be avoided.
One of the main features of dental implants is their excellent bio-compatability. Due to their good tolerance, rejection can be avoided. Furthermore dental implants are just as resilient as a natural root and a remarkable feature is, with the use of appropriate oral hygiene, their long-term stability.
As already mentioned in the chapter ? Computer Tomography Based 3D Planning of Implantations?, immediate implantation is possible e.g. after loss of teeth due to accidents, on condition that there is sufficient basal-bone present. We can of course also perform implantation where there is longer-standing tooth-loss.
With implant-supported replacement you can bite, talk and laugh without any worries. It gives maximum bite-efficiency and incomparable chew-comfort and speech is not impeded in any way.
Dental implants support partial and full dentures, they give hold in the jawbone and thus prevent undesirable side-effects such as sore spots caused by ill-fitting dentures.
In the case of teeth which have suffered prior damage due to periodontitis (gum disease) our dental team can insert implants after periodontal treatment is concluded, in order to achieve stabilisation of the gum situation.
In the event of larger gaps, the chew-load is distributed among the remaining teeth. This can lead to overload of some of the teeth which can cause further damage. With the help of implants, whereby these gaps can be provided with a stable prosthesis, an even and healthy loading of the teeth can be achieved.
The longer a gap remains untreated, the more the jawbone suffers gradual resorption (bone loss) at this place (vertically and horizontally). The bone is deprived of that natural stimulation which is passed through the root to the bone. Even in this case implants can offer a remedial solution, because their use counteracts bone resorption.
In this review the aesthetic aspects must not be ignored. An implant replacement has an appreciable contribution to and positive influence on your individual facial features and profile. Whereas in the past the restoration of the chew-function was the main focus, today the aim of implant supported replacement is that they should be indistinguishable from your natural teeth.
In the following we go into more detail about the various possibilities of implant supported tooth replacement. In our practice Dr. med. dent. Insa Dietrich is especially qualified in implants (implant prosthetics) due to her additional full training as a dental technician.
Contrary to traditional tooth replacement, a single tooth gap can be filled by an implant to which a crown is attached without the neighbouring teeth having to be filed down. This is a decided advantage compared to the construction of bridges, for which your dentist must file down the adjacent teeth before fixing the bridge. A further traditional solution would be a clip denture, whereby there is a danger of tooth decay to the teeth to which the clips are attached, if there is inadequate oral hygiene. Furthermore there can often be insufficient stability with the clip solution.
Implant treatment of a free-end gap, where several teeth are missing in the back area of the jaw, can be achieved by two implants, on which a bridge is set. Your implantologist can also close this gap with adjacently placed implants which are attached to splinted crowns. In this way a partial prosthesis (clip denture) can be avoided.
An implant-supported solution for the lower jaw can be achieved for example by four implants connected to each other by a bar. This construction gives the prosthesis stability.
Where possible at least six implants or more can be inserted into the lower jaw to enable a permanent bridge construction.
In the implant provision of the toothless upper jaw with a gum-free bar-supportedprosthesis, we recommend the insertion of six implants, which are connected to a prosthesis. For a permanent bridge in the upper jaw at least eight implants should be inserted (number of implants according to the specifications of the German Association of Implantology).
Implant solutions give a full prosthesis increased stability in the jaw, whereby chew-comfort, bite and speaking are essentially improved in comparison to traditional dental replacement variations.